Oil pump update for YFZ
Geplaatst: di 10 jun, 2008 15:36
Triumph in keeping with their dedication to such a great sport has come up with yet another innovative product for the Yamaha YFZ450. As every YFZ owner knows the ATV has oiling problems. Since the release many companies have installed and told owners about the "oil mod" that takes oil from your oil filter through the case into the piston. This has saved a lot motors from wrist pins seizing. Triumph has used this mod many times but continued to see crank seizing problems. Triumph Motorsports has now come up with a high flow oil pump. It feeds more oil at a faster rate to increase oil flow. Since using the pump Triumph claims this has helped the crank and piston problems considerably. For this part or many others, contact Triumph Motorsports at 866-207-1447, or visit them on line @ triumphmotorsports.com
Triumph in keeping with their dedication to such a great sport has come up with yet another innovative product for the Yamaha YFZ450. As every YFZ owner knows the ATV has oiling problems. Since the release many companies have installed and told owners about the "oil mod" that takes oil from your oil filter through the case into the piston. This has saved a lot motors from wrist pins seizing. Triumph has used this mod many times but continued to see crank seizing problems. Triumph Motorsports has now come up with a high flow oil pump. It feeds more oil at a faster rate to increase oil flow. Since using the pump Triumph claims this has helped the crank and piston problems considerably. For this part or many others, contact Triumph Motorsports at 866-207-1447, or visit them on line @ triumphmotorsports.com